Legal Information: Certifications and Compliance at GeeDee Pharma

At GeeDee Pharma, transparency and legality are paramount. We are proud to showcase our commitment to compliance through the following registrations and certifications:


  1. Goods and Services Tax (GST) Registration:
    • GSTIN: 21AATPP6510D1ZW
  2. Drug License:
    • License Number: CU-III-26351/W, CU-III-26352/WC, CU-III-10505/WX
  3. ISO Certification:
    • ISO 9001:2015 for Quality Management Systems
  4. Trademark Registration:
    • Trademark Name: GEEDEE PHARMA
  5. UDYAM Registration:
  • Registration Number: UDYAM-OD-07-0038328

For any legal inquiries or further details regarding our certifications, please contact our legal department at INFO@GEEDEEPHARMA.COM

Note: This information is subject to updates, and any changes will be promptly reflected in this section. GeeDee Pharma operates with full adherence to legal standards, ensuring the utmost integrity in all our pharmaceutical endeavors.